Understanding Your Brand Exposure Export

Our brand exposure report tool returns an export of individual partner exposures — this includes both visual logo exposures on images and videos, as well tags/mentions of partners in the text of a post.

Columns to leverage once the report is downloaded:

  • B: Partner 
    • The brand that received the exposure.
  • C:  Partner Mention Type
    • This indicates whether the partner exposure was a logo exposure in a video or image, or if the partner was tagged/mentioned in the text of a post. 
  • O: Impressions 
    • These are the impressions of the post the exposure occurred in. See Logo Impressions for impressions attributed to the partner. 
  • AE: Brand Exposure Value 
    • The discounted media value created for a brand that is either tagged in a post or whose logo/branding is present in the post media. This methodology discounts a number of factors including logo size, clarity, time on screen, and clutter. 
  • AN: Logo Impressions
    • The number of impressions that can be attributed to a brand logo based on video views and post impressions. This is the metric to use when reporting brand impressions to a partner. 
  • AQ: Engagements 
    • Total number of engagements such as likes, comments, retweets, Facebook reactions with the content the brand/asset is on. 
  • BA: Partner Asset Label 
    • The specific asset the logo/ brand is on 

  • You are able to filter each column depending on how you want to sort, whether that be impressions, asset type, etc. 
  • Use the sum feature to add to get the totals for each column