Advanced Feed Boolean Search Guide

Throughout Zoomph filtering feeds is supported to narrow down the data that is analyzed and returned. This guide describes the supported filters and their syntax.


The basic syntax for a filter takes the following shape: [field][operator]"[value]"

Some examples:

  • message:"puppy" - This will search for content with the word "puppy" in the message
  • zpoints>=10 - This will search for content with 10 or more ZPoints
  • username:"@zoomph" - This will search for content from the @Zoomph account

Grouping ANDing/ORing and Negations

Filters can be ANDed/ORed by specifying AND/OR between them and can be logically grouped using parenthesis. Negations can be specified by prefixing the filter with !

Some examples:

  • (message:"puppy" OR message:"kitten") AND zpoints<10 - This will search for content with the word "puppy" or "kitten" in the message, and with less than 10 ZPoints.
  • !message:"kitten" AND message:"puppy" - This will search for content that says "puppy" but does not contain the "kitten."
  • username:"@zoomph" AND message:"social media" AND created>"2016-01-01T05:00:00Z" - This will search for content from Zoomph containing the phrase “social media” and was created after January 1 at 5AM (UTC).


  • contentType - the multimedia type of the content
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TEXT
      • PHOTO
      • VIDEO
  • created - the date the content was created
  • dataSource - the original source of the content
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TWITTER
      • FACEBOOK
      • CHATTER
      • RSS
      • YOUTUBE
  • displayName - the display name of the author
  • hashtag - search for hashtags contained within the text (the # is optional)
  • locationText - the free-form location text field of the author
  • mention - search for mentions contained within the text (the @ is optional)
  • message - search the text body of the content (if searching for hashtags, mentions, or emojis, use the other fields described)
  • status - the moderation status of the content
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • PENDING
      • APPROVED
      • REJECTED
  • tag - search for content with a specific moderation tag
  • username - search based on the username/handle of the author
  • verified - whether the author of the content is verified on the network that his/her content originates from
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TRUE
      • FALSE
  • zpoints - the number of ZPoints the content has
  • geoFips - search for content with a geolocation in a given country/province FIPS code
  • geoRadius - search for content with a geolocation within a distance from a central point. i.e. content within a circle defined by a central point and radius
    • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38 lon=-77 radiusKm=1}
      • This will search for content within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
    • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38.956782 lon=-77.351338 radiusKm=0.1}
      • This will search for content within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
  • authorBio - search for content with authors whose biography contains terms
  • formData - search for content based on form fields' key-value pairs
    • EX) formData:[key="Email" AND value:""]
      • This will search for a key-value pair with a key called Email and a value containing
    • EX) formData:[key="Email" OR !value:""]
      • This will search for a key-value pair which has a key named Email or a value which does not contain
  • audienceMember - search for content by authors who are in a given audience, the audience can be a saved one (referenced by its ID) or defined through the Audience Filter DSL
    • EX) audienceMember:[followsId:250327399]
      • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph (Zoomph's Twitter user ID is 250327399)
    • EX) audienceMember:[followsId:250327399 OR followsId:506360867]
      • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph or @Kohner86
  • Possible values (case sensitive)
    • TEXT
    • PHOTO
    • VIDEO
    • TEXT
    • PHOTO
    • VIDEO
      • Possible values (case sensitive)
        • TWITTER
        • FACEBOOK
        • INSTAGRAM
        • GOOGLEPLUS
        • CHATTER
        • RSS
        • YOUTUBE
        • TWITTER
        • FACEBOOK
        • INSTAGRAM
        • GOOGLEPLUS
        • CHATTER
        • RSS
        • YOUTUBE
          • Possible values (case sensitive)
            • PENDING
            • APPROVED
            • REJECTED
            • PENDING
            • APPROVED
            • REJECTED
              • Possible values (case sensitive)
                • TRUE
                • FALSE
                • TRUE
                • FALSE
                  • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38 lon=-77 radiusKm=1}
                    • This will search for content within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
                    • This will search for content within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
                    • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38.956782 lon=-77.351338 radiusKm=0.1}
                      • This will search for content within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
                      • This will search for content within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
                        • EX) formData:[key="Email" AND value:""]
                          • This will search for a key-value pair with a key called Email and a value containing
                          • This will search for a key-value pair with a key called Email and a value containing
                          • EX) formData:[key="Email" OR !value:""]
                            • This will search for a key-value pair which has a key named Email or a value which does not contain
                            • This will search for a key-value pair which has a key named Email or a value which does not contain
                              • EX) audienceMember:[followsId:250327399]
                                • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph (Zoomph's Twitter user ID is 250327399)
                                • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph (Zoomph's Twitter user ID is 250327399)
                                • EX) audienceMember:[followsId:250327399 OR followsId:506360867]
                                  • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph or @Kohner86
                                  • This will search for content by authors who follow @Zoomph or @Kohner86
                                  • Operators

                                    • = Numerical value must exactly match
                                    • >= Numerical value must be greater or equal
                                    • > Numerical value must be greater than
                                    • <= Numerical value must be less than or equal
                                    • < Numerical value must be less than
                                    • : String value must be present (used for text fields, such as message and enumerations like contentType)