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How To: Partner Text Valuation

PTV is essential to aggregating Brand Value for our clients' partners.

Partner Text Valuation (PTV), is a special advanced workflow that alerts our AI to apply a discounting factor to Social Value, to create a brand specific value on a per post basis. This must be set up before creating partner focused Custom Reports, Brand Reports, or advising a client to use their API. 

Our clients often use their partner names in text as a way to fulfill contract obligations, we call these Text Mentions. A Text Mention is anytime the copy of a piece of content contains a brand name, username (mention), branded hashtag or in Paid Partnership tag. 


PTV Code:

        <trigger on="NewItem" />
          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally Bank" />
          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally Financial" />
          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally" />
          <mentions operator="Contains" value="Ally" />
          <hashtags operator="Contains" value="Ally"/>
          <fbSponsorTagName operator="Contains" value="Ally" />
      <addTag value="Ally Financial" />
        <addTag value="Text Mention:Ally Financial" />
        <performTextValuation brand="Ally Financial" />


Code Breakdown:

The code below accounts for any way the partner could appear in the copy. Note that fbSponsorTagName must be used to obtain the, "In Paid Partnership with" exposure. 

          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally Bank" />
          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally Financial" />
          <message operator="Contains" value="Ally" />
          <mentions operator="Contains" value="Ally" />
          <hashtags operator="Contains" value="Ally"/>
          <fbSponsorTagName operator="Contains" value="Ally" />


The actions segment of the workflow tells our platform what to do once this information is detected. All tags need to match (this may be new for some CS members).

  • The first line adds a Tag in the filter bar for the client to search by 
  • The second line Tells our platform there is a Text Mention present, and populates the "Branded Post" header in View Insights. This also allows for the Brand to be called using an API. 
  • The third line tells our AI to apply a discount to the Social Value that can be attributed to the brand itself. 
      <addTag value="Ally Financial" />
        <addTag value="Text Mention:Ally Financial" />
        <performTextValuation brand="Ally Financial" />


If ever there is a mistake made on a tag and it needs to be deleted, be sure to delete the tags in both Line 1 and 2 for the correct results.