Content Discovery - Moderating Activations

Content Tabs

Content Discovery is divided into four tabs: Pending, Approved, Rejected and All. 

Pending: Items in this tab are waiting to be approved or rejected. If you're manually moderating your content, you can see the newest items under this tab. 

Approved: This tab contains all items that have been approved. 

Rejected: This tab contains all items have been rejected.

All: This tab has all of the items in your feed regardless of status. 

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Approving and Rejecting

Now comes the fun part! Approving and rejecting content is how you get to hand pick posts to appear on any of your Zoomph visuals! Did we mention it was super easy? 

To Approve or Reject a post, simply click the approve or reject button to the right to the right of the post.

If you approve a post, you will see the approve button highlighted in green and if you reject a post, the reject button will be highlighted in red and the post will be grayed out.

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Filtering & Sorting Moderation 

We know that navigating through all of the engagement you've received might take some time, so we've added in a few different sorting options to help trim down your view of moderation. 

On right-side of the moderation screen is complete filter menu that can help find whatever type of content you might be looking for. 

To the left of the filter menu, you will see a number of sorting options as well. 

Pages: By default, your view of moderation is set to show you a set number of posts per page. After you have viewed and curated all of the content on a page, use the < and > to cycle to new or previous pages to view other content. 

Items per page: By default, each page in moderation will show 10 items. If you'd like to increase the number of post per page, simply open the numbered drop-down menu and you can select to view 10, 25, 50, and 100 items.

Refresh: If you're ready to view the newest content surrounding your search, you can use the refresh button to reload moderation, and any new posts that have been pulled into your feed will appear. 

Sort by: You can also sort moderation by: 

  • Newest to Oldest posts
  • Oldest to Newest posts
  • Posts with the Highest ZPoints
  • Posts with the Lowest ZPoints

Export: You can export the items in your current view of moderation into an excel file by clicking the export button in the upper right corner of moderation.

Author Actions: click the ... to open additional actions.

  • View the post on the respective social platform it came from.
  • Mark the author as spam - this will automatically spam any future posts that are pulled in from this author. Spammed posts will not appear on visuals.
  • Auto-Approve: this will automatically approve all new posts that are pulled in from the author.
  • Auto-Reject: this will automatically reject all new posts that are pulled in by this author.

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