Broadcast Data Glossary

The Broadcast Glossary provides a comprehensive list of key terms and concepts used in the broadcast and media industry. This resource is designed to help users better understand essential metrics and definitions related to broadcast.



Term Description
Total Average Audience
The average number of people (P2+) who watched the events in the specified date range.
Total Average Unique Reach
The average unique number of people (P2+) who watched at least 1 minute of the events.
Total Avg Frequency of Telecast
The average number of events a household watches within the specified date range.
Total Broadcasts
The number of unique events in the specified date range.
Total Unique Reach
The unique number of people (P2+) who watched at least 1 minute of the combined events.
Total Average Length of Tune The average duration (HH:MM) a household watched per event.
Number of Networks
The average number of networks broadcasting the specified event.
The demographic of a show's audience, usually noted as P2+ (Persons aged 2 or more).


Term Description
Total Brand Value
The total weighted value across all partners’ exposure(s) during the specified event(s).
Total Full Media Value
The total advertising value across all partner exposure(s) based on :30 second spot rates.
Total Full Media Impressions
The total number of raw impressions across all partner exposure(s) during the event(s).
Total Brand Impressions
The total number of weighted impressions across all partner exposure(s) during the event(s).
Average Brand Score
The average discount factor applied across all partner exposure(s) during the event(s).
Brand Exposure(s)
The number of occurrences for the specified partner.
Brand Duration
The length of all exposures for the specified partner (HH:MM).