Advanced Audience Boolean Search

Throughout the Zoomph Audience's APIs filtering is supported to narrow down the data which is being analyzed. This guide describes the supported filters and their syntax


The basic syntax for a filter takes the following shape: [field][operator]"[value]"

Some examples:

  • audienceId:123 - This will search for profiles in an audience within your Zoomph account of ID 123
  • followsId:250327399 - This will search for followers of Zoomph on Twitter (@Zoomph's user-id is 250327399)
  • authorBio:"love" - This will search for profiles which have the word love in their bio

Grouping ANDing/ORing and Negations

Filters can be ANDed/ORed by specifying AND/OR between them and can be logically grouped using parenthesis. Negations can be specified by prefixing the filter with !

Some examples:

  • (followsId:250327399 OR followsId:506360867) AND followerCount>100 - This will search for profiles who follow either @Zoomph or @Kohner86 with more than 100 followers
  • !authorBio:"cat" AND authorBio:"dog" - This will search for profiles which do not mention the word cat and do mention the word dog

Fuzzy Search

Filters can be ‘Fuzzy ORed’ using the fuzzy grouping. Fuzzy searches are useful in scenarios where you want to match on profiles which match N filters out of a list of possible matches.

The general syntax is: FUZZY_N:(filter1,filter2,filter3,…) where N is the minimum number of filters which have to match.

For example to search for profiles which follow two out of @kohner86 @zonozi @zoomph:



audienceId - The ID of a saved audience, created through the API or the Zoomph platform
  • Please note, at most a single static audience and up to five dynamic audiences may be specified in a single query
  • EX) audienceId:456 This will search for profiles within an audience with ID 456
  • gender - The gender of the profile
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • MALE
      • FEMALE
    • EX) gender:MALE This will search for men
  • isPerson - Is the profile a person or organization
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TRUE
      • FALSE
    • EX) isPerson:FALSE This will search for organizations
  • ageRange - The age range of the profiles
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • GENZ
      • GENX
      • BOOMER
    • EX) ageRange:MILLENNIAL This will search for millenials
  • geoFips - search for content with a geolocation in a given country/province FIPS code
    • EX) geoFips:"US" This will search for profiles within the United States
  • geoRadius - search for profiles with a geolocation within a a distance from a central point. i.e. content within a circle defined by a central point and radius
    • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38 lon=-77 radiusKm=1}
      • This will search for profiles within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
    • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38.956782 lon=-77.351338 radiusKm=0.1}
      • This will search for profiles within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
  • geoBoundingBox - search for profiles with a geolocation within a rectangular geo-bounding-box
    • EX) geoBoundingBox:{topLat=38 bottomLat=37 rightLon=-77 leftLon=-78}
      • This will search for profiles in/near DC
  • authorBio - Search for profiles with authors whose biography contains terms
    • EX) authorBio:"love" This will search for authors who have the word love in their bio
  • locationText - Search for profiles which have a free-text location containing a word
    • EX) locationText:"virginia" This will search for profiles with the word virginia in the self disclosed location
  • language - search for profiles which have used a certain language in their context
    • EX) language:"ENG"This will search for profiles which have spoken English in their content
    • Languages are specified in the ISO 639-3 format
  • interestId - Search for profiles which are within a Zoomph defined interest group
    • Please note, a list of all available interest groups (with their IDs) is available on the /v2/misc/interests/list endpoint
    • EX) interestId:4 This will search for profiles within the Taste for - Coffee interest group
  • followsUser- search for followers of a Twitter user (by their username)
    • Please note, this is the username of the user, NOT the display name
    • EX) followsUser:"zoomph" - this will search for followers of @zoomph
  • followsId - Search for followers of a Twitter user
    • Please note, this is the numerical ID of the user, NOT the username
    • EX) followsId:250327399 This will search for followers of Zoomph (@Zoomph's user-id is 250327399)
  • dataSource - The social network the profile is a member of
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TWITTER
      • Please note, in the future YouTube and Facebook support will be added
    • EX) dataSource:INSTAGRAM This will search for Instagram profiles
  • followerCount - How many followers do the profiles have
    • Supported Operators
      • =
      • >
      • <
      • <= - >=
    • EX) followerCount>=100 This will search for profiles with 100 or more followers
  • hashtag - Search for profiles which have used a certain hashtag
    • Please note, the # is optional
    • EX) hashtag:"tbt" This will search for profiles which have used #tbt
  • Please note, at most a single static audience and up to five dynamic audiences may be specified in a single query
  • EX) audienceId:456 This will search for profiles within an audience with ID 456
  • Please note, at most 2 of these predicates may be present in a given query
  • Predicates contained within the square brackets are defined in the Zoomph Feed Filter DSL
  • EX) feedMember_123:[status:PENDING]This will search for profiles which are within feed ID 123 with a status of pending
  • EX) feedMember_987:[status:PENDING OR tag:"myTag] - This will search for profiles which are within feed ID 987 with a status of 'pending' or which are tagged with 'myTag'
  • EX) feedMember_456:[] - This will search for all profiles whihc are within feed 456
  • Possible values (case sensitive)
    • MALE
    • FEMALE
  • MALE
  • EX) gender:MALE This will search for men
  • Possible values (case sensitive)
    • TRUE
    • FALSE
  • TRUE
  • EX) isPerson:FALSE This will search for organizations
  • Possible values (case sensitive)
    • GENZ
    • GENX
    • BOOMER
  • GENZ
  • GENX
  • EX) ageRange:MILLENNIAL This will search for millenials
  • EX) geoFips:"US" This will search for profiles within the United States
  • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38 lon=-77 radiusKm=1}
    • This will search for profiles within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
  • This will search for profiles within a 1km distance of the lat/lon 37/-77 (Washington DC)
  • EX) geoRadius:{lat=38.956782 lon=-77.351338 radiusKm=0.1}
    • This will search for profiles within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
  • This will search for profiles within 100 meters of the Zoomph HQ office
  • EX) geoBoundingBox:{topLat=38 bottomLat=37 rightLon=-77 leftLon=-78}
    • This will search for profiles in/near DC
    • EX) authorBio:"love" This will search for authors who have the word love in their bio
    • EX) locationText:"virginia" This will search for profiles with the word virginia in the self disclosed location
    • EX) language:"ENG"This will search for profiles which have spoken English in their content
    • Languages are specified in the ISO 639-3 format
    • Please note, a list of all available interest groups (with their IDs) is available on the /v2/misc/interests/list endpoint
    • EX) interestId:4 This will search for profiles within the Taste for - Coffee interest group
    • Please note, this is the username of the user, NOT the display name
    • EX) followsUser:"zoomph" - this will search for followers of @zoomph
    • Please note, this is the numerical ID of the user, NOT the username
    • EX) followsId:250327399 This will search for followers of Zoomph (@Zoomph's user-id is 250327399)
    • Possible values (case sensitive)
      • TWITTER
      • Please note, in the future YouTube and Facebook support will be added
    • Please note, in the future YouTube and Facebook support will be added
    • EX) dataSource:INSTAGRAM This will search for Instagram profiles
    • Supported Operators
      • =
      • >
      • <
      • <= - >=
    • =
    • >
    • <
    • <= - >=
    • EX) followerCount>=100 This will search for profiles with 100 or more followers
    • Please note, the # is optional
    • EX) hashtag:"tbt" This will search for profiles which have used #tbt